We're nearly half way through the Fall 2016 semester and I'm currently over it (like most of my peers). Though, I continue to work my two jobs, attend classes on time, prepare for my honors thesis, get homework done on time and still find time to deep condition my curls.
It's so easy to look at all of my work as a burden. I look at other peers who are able to dress up and go out every weekend, or take a vacation, or simply relax with their friends and I wonder "Why is my life like this?" My birthday is approaching and while I would like to be in New York City as planned, I am studying for a History midterm, which is scheduled to take place on my birthday. Well. From my understanding, majority of college kids are "working smarter" and "not harder'. For me, though, I can't work like this. Registration is around the corner and you hear most people asking "Which professor should I take? Is he easy? Does he assign a lot of papers?" as a means to determine what they should and shouldn't register for. I actually shake my head at questions like those. I don't run away from hard work. And, maybe if I did I wouldn't be as stressed as I am. But, hard work is what makes this whole thing worth it. I had someone even tell me, "Kayra really tries to learn in class" as a form of bringing me down, but, HELL YES I'M TRYING TO LEARN - COLLEGE ISN'T FREE! I digress. But, um, yah. I'm here, not to simply pass a class, but to be educated. To take these sleepless nights and apply them to my future craft. So. For the nerds like myself ('Blerds' being the terminology used for Black nerds) don't let THEY hold you back.
For one, it's always important to recognize that not too long ago, people of color weren't even allowed to receive an education. 2) There are those, our age, who can't even afford to receive higher education. Don't take yours for granted.
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KAYRAJAY27 / libra / artist / muva Archives
January 2020